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Why You Shouldn’t Overlook A Rural Travel Healthcare Job

Written by LS Admin | Apr 23, 2021

City lights, sounds, dining, and endless activities right outside your hotel room door is exciting and fun! Until it’s not. As a busy healthcare worker, you probably spend most of your energy during your shifts and while there are plenty of things to explore in a big city, sometimes some quiet time is just what you need. Too much of a good thing is never good, and even fine dining can get old and leave you longing for home after a while. So what’s a travel healthcare professional to do when you want travel jobs, but need to escape the big city noise? Get away with a new travel job in a remote location!


Friendly Hospitality

There are plenty of opportunities for healthcare workers to travel to a more remote location and they often come with some big perks that aren’t noticeable right away. One such perk is friendly people. It’s a pretty well-known fact that rural towns are often friendlier than big cities, and if you’re looking for some more kindness in the world, a small town setting might be just what you need to reset. Most people in small towns know and rely on each other, making the public spaces you might frequent much friendlier and inviting. With fewer crowds, it’s easier for conversations to strike up naturally and can make you feel more included.


Unique Things To Do

In addition to friendliness, most people that live in rural areas have deep roots in their town. Those roots include family history, being business owners, and involvement in local government. Rural residents often invest in their town and start small businesses to help support their local economy. This can lead to all kinds of great local hot spots for visitors. Art galleries, coffee shops, history museums, and unique festivals are just a few of the things you can find to do in a small town that you can’t find anywhere else.


Beautiful Scenery

Rural America offers a wide and beautiful landscape that some people travel the world to find. From mountains to rolling hills, rivers, lakes and ponds, and picturesque downtowns featuring historical buildings, there is a multitude of ways to enjoy your surroundings. For those seeking a slower pace of life and are looking to get out of the “concrete jungle”, rural towns have much to offer. Studies have shown that spending time outdoors is good for you. Studies show that getting outside and spending time in green spaces have a significant effect in reducing disease, stress, and increasing overall health. In rural areas, access to the outdoors is easier to gain and some small towns are even taking advantage of outdoor recreational activities to help drive their economy. There is no shortage of natural beauty just waiting for you to enjoy.


Enjoy Local Cuisine

Just because you’re in a small town, doesn’t mean there won’t be any fine dining around. Forbes recently published an article listing some small-town restaurants that offer a great fine dining experience and ambiance. A quick Google search will bring back numerous contest winners, and “best of” lists featuring great small town restaurants that can stand up to the test of any big city restaurant. Further, many small towns host a farmer’s market at least once during the week. A local farmer’s market is a great way to pick up some fresh-off-the-farm produce to enhance meals or buy homemade goods to take the edge off of eating out. Buying from a farmer’s market will also help to support local farmers and businesses and adds another way to meet local citizens.


Learn New Skills

The nature of being an interim healthcare worker means that there is the potential to change work locations, again and again, presenting many opportunities to learn new processes, systems, work environments, and learning how to navigate different team structures professionally. While the basics of providing health care to patients stay the same no matter the location, funds, resources, and demographics can be different in rural areas versus a larger metropolis. This opens up opportunities to learn new skills and gain a deeper understanding of healthcare needs across the board. Having this wider knowledge will help you become more versatile and bring valuable insight to healthcare decisions in any setting which could help you stand out as a candidate as you look to further your career.


Quality Rest

Healthcare workers are constantly moving, tending to people in need, handling stressful situations at a moment’s notice, and spend most of their shifts on their feet. The last thing you need on a travel job is poor sleep in between shifts. While there probably won’t be late-night extravaganzas to enjoy in a rural area, the quieter settings of a less populated town will provide some more peaceful environments. So whether you need a solid eight-hour stretch of quality sleep, or some downtime to unwind, a rural location can offer more recuperation.


If you are looking for a new opportunity across the United States in big and small cities alike, LeaderStat can help. Take a look at our job board to see all of the new destinations that are waiting for you!